Funding from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund
Every year, the fund allocates MNOK 10 to 25 to different projects within environmental protection and cultural heritage. Individuals, companies and organizations can apply for funding.
Every year, the fund allocates MNOK 10 to 25 to different projects within environmental protection and cultural heritage. Individuals, companies and organizations can apply for funding.
Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund receives its income primarily through the environmental tax that all of Svalbard’s visitors pay. The fund offers grants to different projects that aim to examine, conserve or restore the environment or cultural heritage on Svalbard. The fund also supports initiatives that contribute to a more environmentally friendly social or commercial development.
Anyone and everyone with a project with one or more of these purposes can apply for support from the fund. Granted funds can only be used on Svalbard.
To apply for funding, you need to access the electronic application form.